Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Current and future owners of Samsung's Wi-Fi-enabled WB250F Smart Camera will have the option to use Evernote to sync photos across mobile devices and computers.

July 31, 2013 6:00 AM PDT

Evernote photo syncing is now available with the Samsung WB250F.

(Credit: Sarah Tew/CNET)

Samsung is giving consumers one more reason to pick up a point-and-shoot instead of always using their smartphone's camera.

As of Wednesday, U.S. users of Samsung's Wi-Fi-enabled WB250F Smart Camera will be able to add Evernote photo syncing to the camera's list of wireless capabilities.

The 14-megapixel camera's Wi-Fi can already be used for automatically sending photos to a smartphone or tablet while you're shooting, backing up to Microsoft SkyDrive cloud storage, or e-mailing photos straight from the camera, among other things. Adding Evernote will allow users to shoot and then wirelessly sync photos to any device or computer with Evernote installed.

You'll still need to connect to a Wi-Fi network or tether to a smartphone to get the photos up to Evernote. But, unless you want to pay for the Samsung Galaxy Camera or Galaxy S4 Zoom and mobile broadband service, this seems like a good solution for moving photos from a point-and-shoot to all your devices for sharing.

Along with the update (available from Samsung), users can get three months of Evernote Premium service, which gets you up to 1GB of uploads a month, more sharing options, and faster image processing.


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