Why is CNET's Roger Cheng so grateful for Samsung's Galaxy Gear if he doesn't think the product's all that great (yet)? Find out as members of the CNET team share which technology they're thankful for. November 28, 2013 1:01 AM PST CNET Copy Editor Jeff Sparkman has loved reading since he was a tyke, but now that he has a tablet, he can carry around way more books at once. (Credit: Jeff Sparkman/CNET) CNET Senior Writer Stephen Shankland is so attached to his SLR, he has a callous around his neck where the camera strap goes. "Just about every day, I thank my lucky stars for my Canon EOS 5D Mark III," he says. It goes without saying that loved ones, health, employment, and other big-ticket blessings top the CNET gang's gratitude lists this, and every, Thanksgiving. But this year, we also wanted to take a moment to give thanks for the tech we're grateful for. We do spend a lot of time here thinking about the stuff, after all. Some on the CNET team, like Stephen, cite specific gadgets they wouldn't want to go without. Others, like CNET en Español Managing Editor Gabriel Sama, mention product features they've seen but never even touched. In our gallery below, you'll find out why Gabriel expresses gratitude for a comparatively minor design detail of Tesla Motors' Model S -- the door handles. The entire CNET en Español team feels grateful for Skype, which keeps the very international crew in close touch with family in Mexico, El Salvador, Spain, and the Dominican Republic. CNET Copy Editor Kelsey Adams greatly appreciates the zombie app that keeps her company on runs. Most of the stories are lighthearted. Then there's Associate Editor Xiomara Blanco, who shares a touching story of the birthday gadget gift she got for her mom, who's battling breast cancer. All the choices point in their own way, big and small, to the impact technology has on our lives in the early 21st century. Tech we're thankful for right now (pictures) 1-2 of 19 Scroll Left Scroll Right Click through our gallery above to see which technology some of your favorite CNET experts are giving thanks for this year, and then be sure to add your own picks in the comments section. Have a wonderful and safe holiday.

Posted by : Unknown Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why is CNET's Roger Cheng so grateful for Samsung's Galaxy Gear if he doesn't think the product's all that great (yet)? Find out as members of the CNET team share which technology they're thankful for.

November 28, 2013 1:01 AM PST

CNET Copy Editor Jeff Sparkman has loved reading since he was a tyke, but now that he has a tablet, he can carry around way more books at once.

(Credit: Jeff Sparkman/CNET)

CNET Senior Writer Stephen Shankland is so attached to his SLR, he has a callous around his neck where the camera strap goes. "Just about every day, I thank my lucky stars for my Canon EOS 5D Mark III," he says.

It goes without saying that loved ones, health, employment, and other big-ticket blessings top the CNET gang's gratitude lists this, and every, Thanksgiving. But this year, we also wanted to take a moment to give thanks for the tech we're grateful for. We do spend a lot of time here thinking about the stuff, after all.

Some on the CNET team, like Stephen, cite specific gadgets they wouldn't want to go without. Others, like CNET en Español Managing Editor Gabriel Sama, mention product features they've seen but never even touched. In our gallery below, you'll find out why Gabriel expresses gratitude for a comparatively minor design detail of Tesla Motors' Model S -- the door handles.

The entire CNET en Español team feels grateful for Skype, which keeps the very international crew in close touch with family in Mexico, El Salvador, Spain, and the Dominican Republic. CNET Copy Editor Kelsey Adams greatly appreciates the zombie app that keeps her company on runs.

Most of the stories are lighthearted. Then there's Associate Editor Xiomara Blanco, who shares a touching story of the birthday gadget gift she got for her mom, who's battling breast cancer. All the choices point in their own way, big and small, to the impact technology has on our lives in the early 21st century.

Tech we're thankful for right now (pictures)

1-2 of 19

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Click through our gallery above to see which technology some of your favorite CNET experts are giving thanks for this year, and then be sure to add your own picks in the comments section.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday.


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