Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A single paragraph in the 1,582-page document provides a glimmer or hope -- or perhaps a stay of execution -- for the incandescent light bulb.

by January 14, 2014 8:08 AM PST

(Credit: Ry Crist/CNET)

Negotiators in the House and Senate came to terms on an omnibus appropriations bill Monday night, including provisions that would effectively halt the ongoing phase-out of incandescent light bulbs.

Though no existing efficiency standards would actually be overturned, the clause -- one paragraph out of a 1,582-page document -- would prevent the Department of Energy from implementing or enforcing the phase-out, blocking standards set by the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act, signed into law by then-President George W. Bush. Negotiations for the appropriations bill involved leadership from both chambers, meaning that passage seems likely.

We'll have more on this story as it develops.


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