Posted by : Unknown Thursday, March 20, 2014

The weather may still be chilly in many parts of the US, but Spring is officially here, according to the calendar and a new Google Doodle.

March 20, 2014 7:48 AM PDT

(Credit: Screenshot by Lance Whitney/CNET)

I hate winter. I despise it. I loathe it. I detest it. I abhor it. In case you haven't gotten the message, it's not exactly my favorite time of year. That's why I welcomed the latest Google Doodle celebrating the vernal equinox, otherwise known this time of year as the first day of Spring.

Occuring twice a year, once around March 20 and again around September 22, the equinox marks the time when the sun aims its rays directly at the equator, according to the folks at The Weather Channel. That means people in both the northern and southern hemispheres enjoy an equal amount of sunlight.

But those of us in the northern hemisphere score the better part of the deal. We start to gain more daylight, while the folks further south will see the days get shorter.

Springing to life on Thursday, Google's Doodle throws in a touch of animation revealing trees growing and flowers blooming thanks to help from a water can-wielding individual. Though Winter still hasn't quite released its icy fingered-grip on many of us, the Doodle is a welcome sign that a permanent thaw should be just around the corner.


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