Each week, starting now, we round up some of the most thoughtful comments from the CNET community. Is the Nokia Lumia 1020's 41-megapixel camera too much? Share your opinion. (Credit: James Martin/CNET) Let it be said: Some of the best writers at CNET are you. We CNET editors strive to publish technology news and reviews that matter -- like last week's first look at the massively-megapixeled Nokia Lumia 1020, Nokia's bid to reinvent the cell phone camera. But we don't consider the story complete until you, the audience, chime in with healthy debate and perspective. Take, for instance, Jessica Dolcourt's column on the ABCs of cell phone screens. Jessica explores interesting concepts, from the difference between LCD and OLED to the general principles of screen resolution. When Jessica's finished explaining, the CNET community kicks up a healthy debate on pixel density. Can the eye distinguish beyond 326 pixels per inch? What do you think? Starting now, with the help of one of CNET's fabulous summer interns, Justina Nguyen, we're going to call out he week's best comments. To qualify for consideration, your input should be thoughtful or informative -- the best comments bring a new (and, ideally, well-written) perspective to a story. We may lightly edit comments for spelling, punctuation, and other insignificant details, but we'll never change the content or the sentiment. Enjoy five of this week's most engaging comments, and feel free to jump in and share your own opinion. -Lindsey Turrentine, Editor-in-Chief of CNET Reviews Judge: Apple conspired to fix e-books prices by Joan E. Solsman (Read article) Judge rules that Apple orchestrated a conspiracy to cut out e-book competition and raise prices, handing the U.S. government a big win and smacking Apple with a verdict it said could put a chill on media deals. revial: Apple doesn't appear capable of contriteness or shades of apology, and doesn't seem to know how to react to judgments against it without snark and melodramatic playing of the victim card. There's a thin line separating confidence and arrogance, and from my perspective, the company has been on the wrong side of that line for a long time now. Did they really think things would go well for them when all the publishers had already settled? Or did they really believe the narrative they wanted, that by going lone ranger, they were somehow being heroic? See post. CNET Editors' Take on the Nokia Lumia 1020 by Jessica Dolcourt (Read review) You can sum up Nokia's just-unveiled Lumia 1020 in three words: 41, megapixel, camera. WindowsAllTheWay: What really sells me on this device is all the software extras (Nokia SmartCam, ProShoot, etc.) that really step up its game. Nokia didn't just take a 920, throw in a 41MP camera and call it a night, they really took the time to add in all this great software and tools to take it from a product to an experience. Don't get me wrong, this is still a niche device. It's expensive for a phone and most of us don't need such a big camera. Nonetheless, it looks like a great product, and all the little tiny details really add to this device. It's truly one to consider, and hardly a phone anyone can ignore. See post. Apple to investigate death of iPhone 5 user by Don Reisinger (Read article) A Chinese woman has died after allegedly answering a call while the smartphone was charging. OniOokamiAlfador: Simple physics pretty much discounts this as a phone or charger defect. The amount of electricity required to kill someone would have fried the circuitry of the charger and cut off all current well before it got anywhere near that high. The components simply wouldn't be able to take that level of current. There are only a few remaining possibilities here. Either the charger was a counterfeit/knockoff that used a drastically different design, the hardware had been SEVERELY compromised, or the shock that killed her (assuming it really was electricity) was introduced by an entirely different source, such as if the charger cord happened to be wet or otherwise compromised by something that created an outside circuit to her body. See post. Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini review: Good, 'diet' S4 phone is pricier than you think by Aloysius Low (Read review) TheMimic12: People shouldn't diss this phone. It merely is just a toned-down version of the regular Galaxy S4. At least in comparison between the two U.S. variants, it is merely just smaller and with a less-brilliant screen. Most of the impressive hardware and software is still present, which will help draw users to the phone. 4.3 inches is more of a compact phone size now, so it's very understandable for Samsung to make a midrange handset that gives users most of the goodies of the big Galaxy S4, but is smaller. This appeals to people who turn away at screen sizes that are at, approaching, or exceeding 5 inches. Honestly seeing a big and little variant of Android flagships is great, because it appeals to more people (I don't mind having a phone with a 4.7" - 5" display, but my sister and most of my friends aren't as impressed). See post. Petition seeks to bring back Xbox One policies by Michelle Starr (Read article) Xbox fans have created a petition on Change.org to bring back the features and policies that Microsoft removed in the face of mass fan outrage. techguru26: I have both systems and I play PS3 more, so saying you play Xbox more is just based on your preference. It has nothing to do with who can afford what. Plus it is ignorant to say people like PS3 more because they can't afford Xbox when in reality most people who work don't feel like throwing away money for everything. And the irony is Microsoft finally decided to follow Sony and are now getting rid of Microsoft points and finally converting everything to real currency. Someday they will finally get it. And true gamers want to play everything available but that doesn't mean they want to purchase points and pay for every part of the game piece by piece and pretty much everything in the Xbox store, period. True gamers want to get their money's worth, why pay $60 for a game when you need 1,600 Microsoft Points to get one DLC map or a gun unlock or some other petty feature that you can just buy as a bundle on the PSN Store with real money for less? So saying most who cry can't afford more than one system has nothing to do with the subject of Microsoft's policies or them being greedy and wanting money for everything. See post.

Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Each week, starting now, we round up some of the most thoughtful comments from the CNET community.

Is the Nokia Lumia 1020's 41-megapixel camera too much? Share your opinion.

(Credit: James Martin/CNET)

Let it be said: Some of the best writers at CNET are you.

We CNET editors strive to publish technology news and reviews that matter -- like last week's first look at the massively-megapixeled Nokia Lumia 1020, Nokia's bid to reinvent the cell phone camera. But we don't consider the story complete until you, the audience, chime in with healthy debate and perspective.

Take, for instance, Jessica Dolcourt's column on the ABCs of cell phone screens. Jessica explores interesting concepts, from the difference between LCD and OLED to the general principles of screen resolution. When Jessica's finished explaining, the CNET community kicks up a healthy debate on pixel density. Can the eye distinguish beyond 326 pixels per inch? What do you think?

Starting now, with the help of one of CNET's fabulous summer interns, Justina Nguyen, we're going to call out he week's best comments. To qualify for consideration, your input should be thoughtful or informative -- the best comments bring a new (and, ideally, well-written) perspective to a story. We may lightly edit comments for spelling, punctuation, and other insignificant details, but we'll never change the content or the sentiment.

Enjoy five of this week's most engaging comments, and feel free to jump in and share your own opinion.

-Lindsey Turrentine, Editor-in-Chief of CNET Reviews

Judge: Apple conspired to fix e-books prices

by Joan E. Solsman (Read article)

Judge rules that Apple orchestrated a conspiracy to cut out e-book competition and raise prices, handing the U.S. government a big win and smacking Apple with a verdict it said could put a chill on media deals.

revial: Apple doesn't appear capable of contriteness or shades of apology, and doesn't seem to know how to react to judgments against it without snark and melodramatic playing of the victim card. There's a thin line separating confidence and arrogance, and from my perspective, the company has been on the wrong side of that line for a long time now.

Did they really think things would go well for them when all the publishers had already settled? Or did they really believe the narrative they wanted, that by going lone ranger, they were somehow being heroic? See post.

CNET Editors' Take on the Nokia Lumia 1020

by Jessica Dolcourt (Read review)

You can sum up Nokia's just-unveiled Lumia 1020 in three words: 41, megapixel, camera.

WindowsAllTheWay: What really sells me on this device is all the software extras (Nokia SmartCam, ProShoot, etc.) that really step up its game. Nokia didn't just take a 920, throw in a 41MP camera and call it a night, they really took the time to add in all this great software and tools to take it from a product to an experience.

Don't get me wrong, this is still a niche device. It's expensive for a phone and most of us don't need such a big camera. Nonetheless, it looks like a great product, and all the little tiny details really add to this device. It's truly one to consider, and hardly a phone anyone can ignore. See post.

Apple to investigate death of iPhone 5 user

by Don Reisinger (Read article)

A Chinese woman has died after allegedly answering a call while the smartphone was charging.

OniOokamiAlfador: Simple physics pretty much discounts this as a phone or charger defect. The amount of electricity required to kill someone would have fried the circuitry of the charger and cut off all current well before it got anywhere near that high. The components simply wouldn't be able to take that level of current.

There are only a few remaining possibilities here. Either the charger was a counterfeit/knockoff that used a drastically different design, the hardware had been SEVERELY compromised, or the shock that killed her (assuming it really was electricity) was introduced by an entirely different source, such as if the charger cord happened to be wet or otherwise compromised by something that created an outside circuit to her body. See post.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini review: Good, 'diet' S4 phone is pricier than you think

by Aloysius Low (Read review)

TheMimic12: People shouldn't diss this phone. It merely is just a toned-down version of the regular Galaxy S4. At least in comparison between the two U.S. variants, it is merely just smaller and with a less-brilliant screen. Most of the impressive hardware and software is still present, which will help draw users to the phone. 4.3 inches is more of a compact phone size now, so it's very understandable for Samsung to make a midrange handset that gives users most of the goodies of the big Galaxy S4, but is smaller. This appeals to people who turn away at screen sizes that are at, approaching, or exceeding 5 inches.

Honestly seeing a big and little variant of Android flagships is great, because it appeals to more people (I don't mind having a phone with a 4.7" - 5" display, but my sister and most of my friends aren't as impressed). See post.

Petition seeks to bring back Xbox One policies

by Michelle Starr (Read article)

Xbox fans have created a petition on Change.org to bring back the features and policies that Microsoft removed in the face of mass fan outrage.

techguru26: I have both systems and I play PS3 more, so saying you play Xbox more is just based on your preference. It has nothing to do with who can afford what. Plus it is ignorant to say people like PS3 more because they can't afford Xbox when in reality most people who work don't feel like throwing away money for everything. And the irony is Microsoft finally decided to follow Sony and are now getting rid of Microsoft points and finally converting everything to real currency. Someday they will finally get it.

And true gamers want to play everything available but that doesn't mean they want to purchase points and pay for every part of the game piece by piece and pretty much everything in the Xbox store, period. True gamers want to get their money's worth, why pay $60 for a game when you need 1,600 Microsoft Points to get one DLC map or a gun unlock or some other petty feature that you can just buy as a bundle on the PSN Store with real money for less?

So saying most who cry can't afford more than one system has nothing to do with the subject of Microsoft's policies or them being greedy and wanting money for everything. See post.


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