Yahoo tops Google in ComScore's July traffic numbers, leading us to wonder if it could be poised to be a long-term contender for king of the Internet. August 23, 2013 5:00 AM PDT If they ever merge, maybe the new company will be called "Goohoo." (Credit: Google/Yahoo) Something a little different happened recently. Longtime Internet warhorse Yahoo topped Google on ComScore's list of the 50 most-visited Internet properties, based on US traffic. This is notable partly because Google has had a long run of dominance at the top, rarely ceding its ranking. The official score for July traffic was 196,564,000 unique visitors for Yahoo, while Google logged 192,251,000. Keep in mind, we're not talking strictly search traffic, but rather traffic across multiple entities owned by those companies. These numbers led to a rather interesting discussion covering topics such as ComScore's methodology, whether or not Google is slipping, and if Yahoo's media moves and Tumblr purchase have boosted it into becoming a long-term top traffic contender. Personally, I have never felt beholden to either provider. I use Gmail, and generally use Google for searching, but I keep a spare Yahoo Mail account active and get a lot of my sports news from Yahoo Sports, reflecting a shift from my previous addiction to ESPN online. Maybe that's a small sign that Yahoo is catching back up in the race. Maybe it's just a change in my personal preferences. Let's hear it from you. Are you dedicated to Yahoo properties, or is Google your go-to online entity? Maybe you're like me and cross the aisle all the time. Vote in our poll and talk about it in the comments.

Posted by : Unknown Friday, August 23, 2013

Yahoo tops Google in ComScore's July traffic numbers, leading us to wonder if it could be poised to be a long-term contender for king of the Internet.

August 23, 2013 5:00 AM PDT

Google and Yahoo logos

If they ever merge, maybe the new company will be called "Goohoo."

(Credit: Google/Yahoo)

Something a little different happened recently. Longtime Internet warhorse Yahoo topped Google on ComScore's list of the 50 most-visited Internet properties, based on US traffic. This is notable partly because Google has had a long run of dominance at the top, rarely ceding its ranking.

The official score for July traffic was 196,564,000 unique visitors for Yahoo, while Google logged 192,251,000. Keep in mind, we're not talking strictly search traffic, but rather traffic across multiple entities owned by those companies.

These numbers led to a rather interesting discussion covering topics such as ComScore's methodology, whether or not Google is slipping, and if Yahoo's media moves and Tumblr purchase have boosted it into becoming a long-term top traffic contender.

Personally, I have never felt beholden to either provider. I use Gmail, and generally use Google for searching, but I keep a spare Yahoo Mail account active and get a lot of my sports news from Yahoo Sports, reflecting a shift from my previous addiction to ESPN online. Maybe that's a small sign that Yahoo is catching back up in the race. Maybe it's just a change in my personal preferences.

Let's hear it from you. Are you dedicated to Yahoo properties, or is Google your go-to online entity? Maybe you're like me and cross the aisle all the time. Vote in our poll and talk about it in the comments.


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