The Sincerely Truman ad agency offers up four simple rules for J.J. Abrams to follow to make "Star Wars" special once again. September 30, 2013 2:20 PM PDT This is the gritty droid you're looking for. (Credit: Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET) As was the case with many "Star Wars" fans, the prequels left me feeling cold. They just didn't have that sense of excitement, life, and pluckiness of the original films. I felt alienated by the CGI and the mere sight of Jar Jar Binks. I've had some difficulty putting my disappointment into words, but now Portland, Ore., ad agency Sincerely Truman has summed it all up for me in a two-minute video aimed at J.J. Abrams. Abrams has accepted the major responsibility of carrying "Star Wars" forward. He has a massive legacy to live up to, but he also has to overcome the missteps of the prequel films. I don't envy him the task, but if anyone is up to it, he is. I sure hope he's paying attention to Sincerely Truman's sweet and simple, "4 Rules to Make Star Wars Great Again" video. The rules are as follows: 1. The setting is the frontier. 2. The future is old. 3. The Force is mysterious. 4. "Star Wars" isn't cute. Essentially, this is a plea to bring "Star Wars" back to its gritty space-Western origins. It's asking Abrams to let the Force be magical and to dump the cutesy stuff like the Great Jar Jar Binks Disaster of 1999. The video is just the first volley in an effort to get Abrams' attention. There is also a Web site (Dear JJ Abrams) and petition dedicated to the cause. The agency promises to deliver the petition and a copy of the video to Disneyland if it reaches 1 million digital signatures. I know this drive is also a bit of a publicity stunt for Sincerely Truman, but I don't care because a lot of thought went into the video and the fan-passion for "Star Wars" is obvious. I signed the petition. Here's hoping Abrams is listening.

Posted by : Unknown Monday, September 30, 2013

The Sincerely Truman ad agency offers up four simple rules for J.J. Abrams to follow to make "Star Wars" special once again.

September 30, 2013 2:20 PM PDT


This is the gritty droid you're looking for.

(Credit: Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET)

As was the case with many "Star Wars" fans, the prequels left me feeling cold. They just didn't have that sense of excitement, life, and pluckiness of the original films. I felt alienated by the CGI and the mere sight of Jar Jar Binks. I've had some difficulty putting my disappointment into words, but now Portland, Ore., ad agency Sincerely Truman has summed it all up for me in a two-minute video aimed at J.J. Abrams.

Abrams has accepted the major responsibility of carrying "Star Wars" forward. He has a massive legacy to live up to, but he also has to overcome the missteps of the prequel films. I don't envy him the task, but if anyone is up to it, he is. I sure hope he's paying attention to Sincerely Truman's sweet and simple, "4 Rules to Make Star Wars Great Again" video.

The rules are as follows: 1. The setting is the frontier. 2. The future is old. 3. The Force is mysterious. 4. "Star Wars" isn't cute.

Essentially, this is a plea to bring "Star Wars" back to its gritty space-Western origins. It's asking Abrams to let the Force be magical and to dump the cutesy stuff like the Great Jar Jar Binks Disaster of 1999.

The video is just the first volley in an effort to get Abrams' attention. There is also a Web site (Dear JJ Abrams) and petition dedicated to the cause. The agency promises to deliver the petition and a copy of the video to Disneyland if it reaches 1 million digital signatures.

I know this drive is also a bit of a publicity stunt for Sincerely Truman, but I don't care because a lot of thought went into the video and the fan-passion for "Star Wars" is obvious. I signed the petition. Here's hoping Abrams is listening.


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