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- For the Pyro Spectacular team that put on a recent 'Star Wars' themed fireworks show at the Oakland Coliseum, it's a dangerous all-day job to put together a 15-minute show. CNET got the inside scoop. The finale of the 'Star Wars' fireworks show put on recently by Pyro Spectacular for the Oakland A's kicks in. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) OAKLAND, Calif.--Peering into the long black tubes, I'm startled when a stern voice behind me warns, "You want to treat them like a loaded gun. There might still be something unexploded inside." In other words, get my head the hell out of the way. This is good advice. I've come to the Oakland Coliseum, home of baseball's Oakland A's, to see a world-class pyrotechnics crew put together a major fireworks show, and the last thing I want is to ruin the experience by getting my head blown off. Boom! Inside the making of a fireworks spectacular (pictures) 1-2 of 29 Scroll Left Scroll Right Sheepishly, I move my head out of the line of fire of the black tubes, known as mortars, or guns, from which, hours from now, dozens and dozens of fireworks shells will streak into the night sky, exploding high overhead with ground-shaking blasts that will rock the thousands of people inside the stadium. This is "Star Wars" fireworks night at the Coliseum. Inside, there's people dressed as Princess Leia, and light sabers are everywhere, and on the field, stormtroopers are swarming at home plate, and a man in a perfect Boba Fett outfit throws out the first pitch. It's an annual celebration put on by the A's, and the playoffs-bound team has hired Pyro Spectaculars, one of the country's largest pyrotechnics companies, to put on the show. Here's how it works. The A's put together a soundtrack with an introduction and 15 minutes of "Star Wars" music, and gave it to Pyro Spectaculars, one of the biggest fireworks productions companies in the country. Then, producer Jeff Thomas designed the show, ensuring that each beat of the music is accompanied by an explosion of fire and sound and color. Up in the stadium's sound booth, Thomas and David Don, the A's senior director of multimedia services, ran through a rehearsal, making certain the audio coming from Thomas' computer is synched up to the ballpark's sound system. Back behind the stadium, in the gritty Lot K, a huge white truck sporting temporary placards that read "Explosives" on the side and the grille pulls to a stop. A Pyro Spectaculars crew greeted the truck, and, pulling open the rear door of the truck, they jumped into action, forming a bucket brigade of sorts and quickly carrying rack after rack of black HDPE -- high-density polyethylene -- mortars to designated spots in the concrete lot. Light 'em up! Behind-the-scenes with fireworks pros With hours of work ahead, the mood is light. Everyone's cracking jokes -- "let's take the crazy train to crazy town because it's crazy," someone shouts. And why not? This crew is as pro as it gets. Though a fireworks show has to be run by a licensed pyro operator, the only legal requirement to help out is that you're over 18 and not a felon. But this bunch is packed with licensed operators. These are the guys you call when you're putting on the jaw-dropping fireworks show celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge. These folks are patient. They know that just because a fireworks show lasts for 15 fast-paced minutes doesn't mean it comes together that quickly. Cue sheet When Thomas was choreographing the show, he assigned a specific fireworks shell to each beat of the "Star Wars" music. And the design called for each shell to fire from a specific spot. Now it's the crew's job to lay out the field of pyro racks according to that plan. A Pyro Spectactulars crew members checks the cue sheet. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) A professional pyro show is a computerized symphony. Each mortar has an individual address, which is assigned by attaching wires from the shell to an electronic module mounted on the rack. A shell with "415" written on it is placed in the fifth mortar in rack 41, which has a module with one round dial turned to 4, and another set to 1. The shell's wiring is then plugged into the module's fifth slot. When Thomas' sequence calls for shell 415 to be fired, the computerized field controller that everything is connected to sends a signal and off into the sky goes the firework. Boom! That's explains the cue sheets several crew members are carrying around, which have Thomas' plan laid out visually. The racks of mortars that came off the truck started out identical, but they have to be organized according to Thomas' design. Generally, they're built into banks of six racks. Some are put together with all six pointing straight up, while others are angled slightly to one side or another. And still others have three pointing one way, and three the other. The idea is for the fireworks to be fired in exactly the order and direction Thomas wants. A rack of shells intended for the show's finale are all wired together. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) Now the crew has to slowly and carefully load each of the shells, with each being gently placed inside its mortar, its wiring threaded through a small hole in the HDPE tube and tied in such a way that later, when tearing everything down, crew members can easily pull them back out. Inside the mortars, the fireworks -- two cardboard half shells wrapped tightly in tissue paper and filled with layers of flammable rice hulls, gunpowder, and various forms of small explosive compounds -- are meant to sit and wait until an electronic charge sent from the controller ignites what's called an electric match, or e-match. That lights a gunpowder charge, which then fills the tube with gas and propels the shell out of the mortar and into the sky. First, though, the team has to run what's known as a continuity test. The idea is to make sure that all the shells are wired properly, and that each cue in Thomas' program has an associated shell. By running through the test, the team can tell if any shell didn't get connected, or if any of the modules were improperly addressed. Tonight, the continuity test requires three full run-throughs, as there's an unusually high number of mis-addressed racks. But finally, everything is locked down, the field controller was armed, and it was go time. Of course, the fireworks couldn't start until the game ended. And though the A's were winning handily, I joked to two crew members that the game could go into extra innings, forcing them to wait late into the night. Instantly, both yelled, "Don't say that!" It turns out that pyro crews, like baseball players, have superstitions. And I just broke one. Thankfully, though, the game lasted just nine innings, letting me off the hook. The fans filled the field to watch the show, and with the crew cleared out of the now dangerous fireworks zone, it was time for them to be spectators. The "Star Wars" music began to play and the first firework shot into the air. Over the next fifteen minutes, the shells launched, one after another, just as planned. The flashes from the mortars looked like cannon fire, and overhead, the explosions were huge and dramatic, the sound echoing loudly off the back of the stadium. The pyro crew watches the first shells fire high into the sky. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) Behind the Oakland Coliseum is a bridge connecting it to the nearest rapid transit station. Normally, after a game, thousands of people rush to cross the bridge to catch the train, but this time, they had to wait until the fireworks were done. Even then, they had to wait for the pyro crew to make sure no unexploded shells had landed on the bridge. Certain that everything was fine, the crew began to walk down the ramp towards Lot K, where they faced an hour cleaning up the messy aftermath of a full-scale pyro spectacular. At the bottom of the ramp more than a thousand people were waiting to be allowed to head up to their trains. And as the crew neared the bottom, each member wearing a hard hat, the crowd saw them approaching. And without warning, a huge cheer went up.
For the Pyro Spectacular team that put on a recent 'Star Wars' themed fireworks show at the Oakland Coliseum, it's a dangerous all-day job to put together a 15-minute show. CNET got the inside scoop. The finale of the 'Star Wars' fireworks show put on recently by Pyro Spectacular for the Oakland A's kicks in. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) OAKLAND, Calif.--Peering into the long black tubes, I'm startled when a stern voice behind me warns, "You want to treat them like a loaded gun. There might still be something unexploded inside." In other words, get my head the hell out of the way. This is good advice. I've come to the Oakland Coliseum, home of baseball's Oakland A's, to see a world-class pyrotechnics crew put together a major fireworks show, and the last thing I want is to ruin the experience by getting my head blown off. Boom! Inside the making of a fireworks spectacular (pictures) 1-2 of 29 Scroll Left Scroll Right Sheepishly, I move my head out of the line of fire of the black tubes, known as mortars, or guns, from which, hours from now, dozens and dozens of fireworks shells will streak into the night sky, exploding high overhead with ground-shaking blasts that will rock the thousands of people inside the stadium. This is "Star Wars" fireworks night at the Coliseum. Inside, there's people dressed as Princess Leia, and light sabers are everywhere, and on the field, stormtroopers are swarming at home plate, and a man in a perfect Boba Fett outfit throws out the first pitch. It's an annual celebration put on by the A's, and the playoffs-bound team has hired Pyro Spectaculars, one of the country's largest pyrotechnics companies, to put on the show. Here's how it works. The A's put together a soundtrack with an introduction and 15 minutes of "Star Wars" music, and gave it to Pyro Spectaculars, one of the biggest fireworks productions companies in the country. Then, producer Jeff Thomas designed the show, ensuring that each beat of the music is accompanied by an explosion of fire and sound and color. Up in the stadium's sound booth, Thomas and David Don, the A's senior director of multimedia services, ran through a rehearsal, making certain the audio coming from Thomas' computer is synched up to the ballpark's sound system. Back behind the stadium, in the gritty Lot K, a huge white truck sporting temporary placards that read "Explosives" on the side and the grille pulls to a stop. A Pyro Spectaculars crew greeted the truck, and, pulling open the rear door of the truck, they jumped into action, forming a bucket brigade of sorts and quickly carrying rack after rack of black HDPE -- high-density polyethylene -- mortars to designated spots in the concrete lot. Light 'em up! Behind-the-scenes with fireworks pros With hours of work ahead, the mood is light. Everyone's cracking jokes -- "let's take the crazy train to crazy town because it's crazy," someone shouts. And why not? This crew is as pro as it gets. Though a fireworks show has to be run by a licensed pyro operator, the only legal requirement to help out is that you're over 18 and not a felon. But this bunch is packed with licensed operators. These are the guys you call when you're putting on the jaw-dropping fireworks show celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge. These folks are patient. They know that just because a fireworks show lasts for 15 fast-paced minutes doesn't mean it comes together that quickly. Cue sheet When Thomas was choreographing the show, he assigned a specific fireworks shell to each beat of the "Star Wars" music. And the design called for each shell to fire from a specific spot. Now it's the crew's job to lay out the field of pyro racks according to that plan. A Pyro Spectactulars crew members checks the cue sheet. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) A professional pyro show is a computerized symphony. Each mortar has an individual address, which is assigned by attaching wires from the shell to an electronic module mounted on the rack. A shell with "415" written on it is placed in the fifth mortar in rack 41, which has a module with one round dial turned to 4, and another set to 1. The shell's wiring is then plugged into the module's fifth slot. When Thomas' sequence calls for shell 415 to be fired, the computerized field controller that everything is connected to sends a signal and off into the sky goes the firework. Boom! That's explains the cue sheets several crew members are carrying around, which have Thomas' plan laid out visually. The racks of mortars that came off the truck started out identical, but they have to be organized according to Thomas' design. Generally, they're built into banks of six racks. Some are put together with all six pointing straight up, while others are angled slightly to one side or another. And still others have three pointing one way, and three the other. The idea is for the fireworks to be fired in exactly the order and direction Thomas wants. A rack of shells intended for the show's finale are all wired together. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) Now the crew has to slowly and carefully load each of the shells, with each being gently placed inside its mortar, its wiring threaded through a small hole in the HDPE tube and tied in such a way that later, when tearing everything down, crew members can easily pull them back out. Inside the mortars, the fireworks -- two cardboard half shells wrapped tightly in tissue paper and filled with layers of flammable rice hulls, gunpowder, and various forms of small explosive compounds -- are meant to sit and wait until an electronic charge sent from the controller ignites what's called an electric match, or e-match. That lights a gunpowder charge, which then fills the tube with gas and propels the shell out of the mortar and into the sky. First, though, the team has to run what's known as a continuity test. The idea is to make sure that all the shells are wired properly, and that each cue in Thomas' program has an associated shell. By running through the test, the team can tell if any shell didn't get connected, or if any of the modules were improperly addressed. Tonight, the continuity test requires three full run-throughs, as there's an unusually high number of mis-addressed racks. But finally, everything is locked down, the field controller was armed, and it was go time. Of course, the fireworks couldn't start until the game ended. And though the A's were winning handily, I joked to two crew members that the game could go into extra innings, forcing them to wait late into the night. Instantly, both yelled, "Don't say that!" It turns out that pyro crews, like baseball players, have superstitions. And I just broke one. Thankfully, though, the game lasted just nine innings, letting me off the hook. The fans filled the field to watch the show, and with the crew cleared out of the now dangerous fireworks zone, it was time for them to be spectators. The "Star Wars" music began to play and the first firework shot into the air. Over the next fifteen minutes, the shells launched, one after another, just as planned. The flashes from the mortars looked like cannon fire, and overhead, the explosions were huge and dramatic, the sound echoing loudly off the back of the stadium. The pyro crew watches the first shells fire high into the sky. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET) Behind the Oakland Coliseum is a bridge connecting it to the nearest rapid transit station. Normally, after a game, thousands of people rush to cross the bridge to catch the train, but this time, they had to wait until the fireworks were done. Even then, they had to wait for the pyro crew to make sure no unexploded shells had landed on the bridge. Certain that everything was fine, the crew began to walk down the ramp towards Lot K, where they faced an hour cleaning up the messy aftermath of a full-scale pyro spectacular. At the bottom of the ramp more than a thousand people were waiting to be allowed to head up to their trains. And as the crew neared the bottom, each member wearing a hard hat, the crowd saw them approaching. And without warning, a huge cheer went up.
For the Pyro Spectacular team that put on a recent 'Star Wars' themed fireworks show at the Oakland Coliseum, it's a dangerous all-day job to put together a 15-minute show. CNET got the inside scoop.
The finale of the 'Star Wars' fireworks show put on recently by Pyro Spectacular for the Oakland A's kicks in.
(Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET)
OAKLAND, Calif.--Peering into the long black tubes, I'm startled when a stern voice behind me warns, "You want to treat them like a loaded gun. There might still be something unexploded inside."
In other words, get my head the hell out of the way. This is good advice. I've come to the Oakland Coliseum, home of baseball's Oakland A's, to see a world-class pyrotechnics crew put together a major fireworks show, and the last thing I want is to ruin the experience by getting my head blown off.
Sheepishly, I move my head out of the line of fire of the black tubes, known as mortars, or guns, from which, hours from now, dozens and dozens of fireworks shells will streak into the night sky, exploding high overhead with ground-shaking blasts that will rock the thousands of people inside the stadium.
This is "Star Wars" fireworks night at the Coliseum. Inside, there's people dressed as Princess Leia, and light sabers are everywhere, and on the field, stormtroopers are swarming at home plate, and a man in a perfect Boba Fett outfit throws out the first pitch. It's an annual celebration put on by the A's, and the playoffs-bound team has hired Pyro Spectaculars, one of the country's largest pyrotechnics companies, to put on the show.
Here's how it works. The A's put together a soundtrack with an introduction and 15 minutes of "Star Wars" music, and gave it to Pyro Spectaculars, one of the biggest fireworks productions companies in the country. Then, producer Jeff Thomas designed the show, ensuring that each beat of the music is accompanied by an explosion of fire and sound and color. Up in the stadium's sound booth, Thomas and David Don, the A's senior director of multimedia services, ran through a rehearsal, making certain the audio coming from Thomas' computer is synched up to the ballpark's sound system.
Back behind the stadium, in the gritty Lot K, a huge white truck sporting temporary placards that read "Explosives" on the side and the grille pulls to a stop. A Pyro Spectaculars crew greeted the truck, and, pulling open the rear door of the truck, they jumped into action, forming a bucket brigade of sorts and quickly carrying rack after rack of black HDPE -- high-density polyethylene -- mortars to designated spots in the concrete lot.
Light 'em up! Behind-the-scenes with fireworks pros
With hours of work ahead, the mood is light. Everyone's cracking jokes -- "let's take the crazy train to crazy town because it's crazy," someone shouts. And why not? This crew is as pro as it gets. Though a fireworks show has to be run by a licensed pyro operator, the only legal requirement to help out is that you're over 18 and not a felon. But this bunch is packed with licensed operators. These are the guys you call when you're putting on the jaw-dropping fireworks show celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge.
These folks are patient. They know that just because a fireworks show lasts for 15 fast-paced minutes doesn't mean it comes together that quickly.
Cue sheet
When Thomas was choreographing the show, he assigned a specific fireworks shell to each beat of the "Star Wars" music. And the design called for each shell to fire from a specific spot. Now it's the crew's job to lay out the field of pyro racks according to that plan.
A Pyro Spectactulars crew members checks the cue sheet.
(Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET)
A professional pyro show is a computerized symphony. Each mortar has an individual address, which is assigned by attaching wires from the shell to an electronic module mounted on the rack. A shell with "415" written on it is placed in the fifth mortar in rack 41, which has a module with one round dial turned to 4, and another set to 1. The shell's wiring is then plugged into the module's fifth slot. When Thomas' sequence calls for shell 415 to be fired, the computerized field controller that everything is connected to sends a signal and off into the sky goes the firework. Boom!
That's explains the cue sheets several crew members are carrying around, which have Thomas' plan laid out visually. The racks of mortars that came off the truck started out identical, but they have to be organized according to Thomas' design. Generally, they're built into banks of six racks. Some are put together with all six pointing straight up, while others are angled slightly to one side or another. And still others have three pointing one way, and three the other. The idea is for the fireworks to be fired in exactly the order and direction Thomas wants.
A rack of shells intended for the show's finale are all wired together.
(Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET)
Now the crew has to slowly and carefully load each of the shells, with each being gently placed inside its mortar, its wiring threaded through a small hole in the HDPE tube and tied in such a way that later, when tearing everything down, crew members can easily pull them back out.
Inside the mortars, the fireworks -- two cardboard half shells wrapped tightly in tissue paper and filled with layers of flammable rice hulls, gunpowder, and various forms of small explosive compounds -- are meant to sit and wait until an electronic charge sent from the controller ignites what's called an electric match, or e-match. That lights a gunpowder charge, which then fills the tube with gas and propels the shell out of the mortar and into the sky.
First, though, the team has to run what's known as a continuity test. The idea is to make sure that all the shells are wired properly, and that each cue in Thomas' program has an associated shell. By running through the test, the team can tell if any shell didn't get connected, or if any of the modules were improperly addressed.
Tonight, the continuity test requires three full run-throughs, as there's an unusually high number of mis-addressed racks. But finally, everything is locked down, the field controller was armed, and it was go time.
Of course, the fireworks couldn't start until the game ended. And though the A's were winning handily, I joked to two crew members that the game could go into extra innings, forcing them to wait late into the night. Instantly, both yelled, "Don't say that!" It turns out that pyro crews, like baseball players, have superstitions. And I just broke one.
Thankfully, though, the game lasted just nine innings, letting me off the hook. The fans filled the field to watch the show, and with the crew cleared out of the now dangerous fireworks zone, it was time for them to be spectators.
The "Star Wars" music began to play and the first firework shot into the air. Over the next fifteen minutes, the shells launched, one after another, just as planned. The flashes from the mortars looked like cannon fire, and overhead, the explosions were huge and dramatic, the sound echoing loudly off the back of the stadium.
The pyro crew watches the first shells fire high into the sky.
(Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET)
Behind the Oakland Coliseum is a bridge connecting it to the nearest rapid transit station. Normally, after a game, thousands of people rush to cross the bridge to catch the train, but this time, they had to wait until the fireworks were done. Even then, they had to wait for the pyro crew to make sure no unexploded shells had landed on the bridge.
Certain that everything was fine, the crew began to walk down the ramp towards Lot K, where they faced an hour cleaning up the messy aftermath of a full-scale pyro spectacular. At the bottom of the ramp more than a thousand people were waiting to be allowed to head up to their trains. And as the crew neared the bottom, each member wearing a hard hat, the crowd saw them approaching. And without warning, a huge cheer went up.