In a survey that asked which gadget was most desired by kids, the 12- to 17-year-old age group showed its conservatism, opting for the tried-and-true. Though it was girls who wanted iPhones far more than boys. (Credit: CNET) It may well be that they're fleeing Facebook for sexier climes. But please don't think that today's American teens are talking about a revolution. Unless you have in mind a magical one. For a survey of their deepest holiday season needs reveals a certain stasis in their hearts. Performed on behalf of online cash-back shopping site Ebates, the survey probed deeply into the desires of 12- to 17-year-olds. 88 percent of them said they most wanted to get some sort of gadget, come family gifting time. The most desired item among them was the iPhone. You might think that the survey somehow equated "iPhone" with "cell phone." But, no. These kids know their brands, and only 12 percent of them were most desperate for a Samsung Galaxy phone, as opposed to 32 percent for Apple's offering. Indeed, the second most desired gadget was another Apple product: the iPad. Should you wonder whether there might be some glimmer of light for a gadget maker not named after a fruit, there is one. More Technically Incorrect New Yorker cover takes Obamacare back to the tech past Woman cited for Glassing and driving 'pretty sure' she'll fight ticket Kim and Kanye sue, accuse YouTube founder of being failure Tesla Model S: Now the No. 1 car of the (West Coast) wealthy Google's new Nexus 5 ad is -- oh, I'm weeping The iPhone wasn't the most popular choice of gadget among boys. They -- clearly needing to release copious amounts of pent-up boyishness -- chose the PlayStation 4 as their No. 1. However, such was the iPhone dominance among the girls' desires (41 percent) that the overall results gave Apple the win. It's clear that there's a certain generational shift going on. Last year's survey revealed that 16- to 18-year-olds wanted laptops the most, while their younger kin already wanted iPhones and iPads. As the youngers have grown, their desires have remained constant. Should you be the parent of one of these volatile beings, you will, no doubt, take note. However, Ebates decided to check with parents in advance to see whether they were au fait with their kids' needs. Remarkably, 54 percent declared that something from Apple would be their intended purchase for their teens. One can only hope that this portends a rare harmony in America's households, so often punctuated with late December pouting at desperate desires unfulfilled.

Posted by : Unknown Saturday, November 2, 2013

In a survey that asked which gadget was most desired by kids, the 12- to 17-year-old age group showed its conservatism, opting for the tried-and-true. Though it was girls who wanted iPhones far more than boys.

(Credit: CNET)

It may well be that they're fleeing Facebook for sexier climes.

But please don't think that today's American teens are talking about a revolution. Unless you have in mind a magical one.

For a survey of their deepest holiday season needs reveals a certain stasis in their hearts.

Performed on behalf of online cash-back shopping site Ebates, the survey probed deeply into the desires of 12- to 17-year-olds.

88 percent of them said they most wanted to get some sort of gadget, come family gifting time. The most desired item among them was the iPhone.

You might think that the survey somehow equated "iPhone" with "cell phone." But, no. These kids know their brands, and only 12 percent of them were most desperate for a Samsung Galaxy phone, as opposed to 32 percent for Apple's offering.

Indeed, the second most desired gadget was another Apple product: the iPad.

Should you wonder whether there might be some glimmer of light for a gadget maker not named after a fruit, there is one.

The iPhone wasn't the most popular choice of gadget among boys. They -- clearly needing to release copious amounts of pent-up boyishness -- chose the PlayStation 4 as their No. 1.

However, such was the iPhone dominance among the girls' desires (41 percent) that the overall results gave Apple the win.

It's clear that there's a certain generational shift going on.

Last year's survey revealed that 16- to 18-year-olds wanted laptops the most, while their younger kin already wanted iPhones and iPads. As the youngers have grown, their desires have remained constant.

Should you be the parent of one of these volatile beings, you will, no doubt, take note. However, Ebates decided to check with parents in advance to see whether they were au fait with their kids' needs.

Remarkably, 54 percent declared that something from Apple would be their intended purchase for their teens.

One can only hope that this portends a rare harmony in America's households, so often punctuated with late December pouting at desperate desires unfulfilled.


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